FVWM: Sorry... Mail escaped to list...

From: Martin Kraemer <Martin.Kraemer_at_mch.sni.de>
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 10:18:03 +0100 (MET)


I just tried new rules for procmail and unintentionally re-sent an article
from Andrew Veliath <veliaa_at_rpi.edu> to the list again. Please ignore it
(at least it's the unmodified original).

Sorry again,
| S I E M E N S |  <Martin.Kraemer_at_mch.sni.de>  |      Siemens Nixdorf
| ------------- |   Voice: +49-89-636-46021     |  Informationssysteme AG
| N I X D O R F |   FAX:   +49-89-636-44994     |   81730 Munich, Germany
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My opinions only, of course; pgp key available on request
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Received on Fri Dec 06 1996 - 03:18:24 GMT

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