FVWM: config

From: Jamie Sparks <jsparks_at_sed.psrw.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 10:02:52 -0500 (EST)


  I'm running fvwm95-2 and am having a config problem.

1. I would like my 3X2 virtual desktop to be sticky, but my attempts
   to add the "Sticky" param in the .fvwmrc file don't take.

2. I would also like to be able to move the virtual desktop window like
   I would an xterm.

3. Also, as it stands now, I have to move my mouse to one side to pull
   the virtual desktop in view, and once it's in view, any xterm I open
   up is halfway off the screen so I have to move it fully view both.
   It's as if each monitor-full of background screen is too small...
   How do I fix this?

my .fvwmrc file follows:




# .fvwm2rc95 example configuration file for fvwm95-2.0.41


# Fonts - one for window titles, another for icons, and another for the
WindowFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
IconFont fixed
MenuFont -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*

# Set the default window colors. The syntax is:
# DefaultColors winforecolor winbackcolor titleforecolor titlebackcolo
# where:
# winbackcolor is the background (border) color of all windows,
# including the menu windows
# Text and background color for the title bar of sticky windows
StickyColors Red SteelBlue

# You can also use the Style command to set the colors of individual
# title bars of some non-selected windows

#Style "*" ForeColor #c3c3c3
#Style "*" BackColor grey51


# Set up the major operating modes

Style "*" ClickToFocus
Style "*" NoIcon
Style "*" MWMFunctions
Style "*" HintOverride
Style "*" MWMDecor

OpaqueMoveSize 100
#EdgeScroll 100 100
EdgeScroll 30 30
#EdgeResistance 10000 0
EdgeResistance 0 0

# RandomPlacement prevents user interaction while placing windows:
Style "*" RandomPlacement


DeskTopSize 3x2


# Module path and paths to the icons
# ModulePath is a colon-separated list, just like regular unix PATH
ModulePath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm95-2/
PixmapPath /usr/include/X11/pixmaps/:/usr/local/mini-icons/
IconPath /usr/include/X11/bitmaps/:/usr/local/icons/


# Set the decoration styles and window options
# Order is important!!!!
# If compatible styles are set for a single window in multiple Style
# commands, then the styles are ORed together. If conflicting styles
# are set, the last one specified is used.
# These commands should command before any menus or functions are defin
# and before the internal pager is started.

# Default border and handle widths
#Style "*" BorderWidth 5, HandleWidth 5
Style "*" BorderWidth 2, HandleWidth 2

Style "Fvwm*" NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style "Fvwm Pager" NoTitle, StaysOnTop, NoHandles
#Style "FvwmButtons" NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip,Border
Style "FvwmButtons" NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip,BorderW
Style "*lock" NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style "xbiff" NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip

# Some mini-icons for the title bar
Style "*" TitleIcon mini-x2.xpm
Style "*xterm*" TitleIcon mini-term.xpm
Style "rxvt" TitleIcon mini-term.xpm
Style "xcalc" TitleIcon mini-calc.xpm
Style "xsession" TitleIcon mini-bx2.xpm
Style "xv" TitleIcon mini-xv.xpm
Style "Netscape" TitleIcon mini-nscape.xpm
Style "xmag" TitleIcon mini-zoom.xpm
Style "textedit" TitleIcon mini-edit.xpm
Style "tkps" TitleIcon mini-run.xpm
Style "Ghostview" TitleIcon mini-gv.xpm
Style "Xcolorsel" TitleIcon mini-colors.xpm
Style "IDL*" TitleIcon mini-zoom.xpm
Style "xeyes" TitleIcon mini-eyes.xpm
Style "*fm*" TitleIcon mini-filemgr.xpm
# xman resource names
Style "topBox" TitleIcon mini-book1.xpm
Style "help" TitleIcon mini-book2.xpm
Style "manualBrowser" TitleIcon mini-book2.xpm
# xpaint resource names
Style "xpaint" TitleIcon mini-paint.xpm
Style "Canvas" TitleIcon mini-paint.xpm
Style "fatbits" TitleIcon mini-paint.xpm
Style "filebrowser" TitleIcon mini-paint.xpm

#Style "rxvt" Icon term.xpm
#Style "xterm" Icon xterm.xpm
#Style "color_xterm" Icon rterm.xpm
#Style "Appointment" Icon datebook.xpm
#Style "xcalc" Icon Rcalc.xpm
#Style "xbiff" Icon mail1.xpm
#Style "xmh" Icon mail1.xpm, StartsOnDesk 2
#Style "xman" Icon xman.xpm
#Style "xvgr" Icon graphs.xpm
#Style "matlab" Icon math4.xpm
#Style "xmag" Icon mag_glass.xpm
#Style "xgraph" Icon graphs.xpm
#Style "xv" Icon xview.xpm
#Style "FvwmButtons" Icon toolbox.xpm
#Style "xconsole" Icon koala.xpm
#Style "xsession" Icon koala.xpm
#Style "textedit" Icon textedit.xpm
#Style "ghostview" Icon gv.xpm


# Stuff to do at start-up

AddToFunc "InitFunction" "I" Exec xsetroot -solid cyan4 &
AddToFunc "InitFunction" "I" Exec xsetroot -solid Blue &
#+ "I" Module FvwmBanner
#+ "I" Module FvwmButtons
#+ "I" Module FvwmTaskBar
+ "I" Module FvwmPager 0 0

AddToFunc "RestartFunction" "I" Module FvwmButtons
#+ "I" Module FvwmTaskBar
+ "I" Module FvwmPager 0 3


# Now define some handy complex functions

# This one moves and then raises the window if you drag the mouse,
# only raises the window if you click, or does a full maximize if
# you double click
AddToFunc "Move-or-Raise" "M" Move
+ "M" Raise
+ "C" Raise
+ "D" Maximize 100 100

AddToFunc "Move-or-Lower" "M" Move
+ "M" Lower
+ "C" Lower
+ "D" RaiseLower

# This one moves or (de)iconifies:
AddToFunc "Move-or-Iconify" "M" Move
+ "D" Iconify

AddToFunc "Resize-or-Raise" "M" Resize
+ "M" Raise
+ "C" Raise
+ "D" RaiseLower


# Now define the menus - defer bindings until later

# This is for the Start menu of the FvwmTaskBar

AddToMenu "StartMenu"
+ "New shell %mini-sh1.xpm%" Exec color_xterm -ls -sb
+ "Manual pages %mini-book1.xpm%" Exec xman &
+ "Magnifying glass %mini-zoom.xpm%" Exec xmag &
+ "Applications %mini-x2.xpm%" Popup Applications


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Received on Wed Nov 20 1996 - 09:03:14 GMT

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