FVWM: FVWM questions

From: William M. Bondy <bondy_at_cig.mot.com>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 1996 11:30:54 -0600 (CST)

     I currently use FVWM on SUN based UNIX network which supports
Xterm client-server communication. My X-TERM is a NCD with a 20 in
high resolution display. My question involves running FVWM on my PC
when I'm dialed into the network instead of working at my workstation.
When I connect with my PC (Ethernet or Dialup) running WIN95 and
Exodus xterm software, FVWM uses my large NCD physical display
size instead of my actual PC screen size:

  1) Is there a way to instruct FVWM to use a different physical
     screen size (in terms of height/width of pixels) ? So that when
     I'm dialled into my PC the physical desktop will be scaled down
     to my PC screen size.

  2) Are there versions of FVWM for the WIN95 OS ?

   THANKS !!
Bill Bondy	(William M. Bondy)
E-mail:	bondy_at_cig.mot.com
Work:	(847) 632-4724
Fax:	(847) 632-3963   
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Received on Tue Nov 19 1996 - 11:31:58 GMT

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