FVWM: Re: FVWM2: shell resize after FVWM RESIZE, possible?

From: Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs_at_hpc.uh.edu>
Date: 28 Oct 1996 22:30:12 -0600

>>>>> "ETS" == ^8= Eric T Sylvain =8^ <sylvain_at_ctron.com> writes:

ETS> I would like to have my shell resize whenever I do a resize of a
ETS> window with FVWM2. I know I can use tcsh and the shell would do this
ETS> for me, but is there a way to get this functionality by using fvwm2 to
ETS> direct a command to the shell connected to my current xterm?

The window manager informs the xterm of the new size. Xterm sends SIGWINCH
to the shell to inform it that the window size has changed. It is up to
the shell to pick this up.

FVWM and xterm already collude to provide the necessary functionality, but
if the shell doesn't pay attention then there isn't much you can do about
it. There is simply no way to know what's happening inside shell, so even
if it was possible to do so, you couldn't just have fvwm "type" a command
to the shell when you change the size. What if you were running a file
manager, and the "z" in resize triggered mass deletion? Even in the best
case you'd get garbage spewed into your editor.

 - J<
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Received on Mon Oct 28 1996 - 23:10:53 GMT

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