FVWM: ClickToFocus oddity

From: Michael Tiefenback <tiefen_at_mgt.cebaf.gov>
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 1996 12:32:01 -0400 (EDT)

I have the mouse binding

Mouse 3 TSIF A RaiseLower

in my .fvwm2rc file (2.0.43 in use). This toggles well for windows in
MouseFocus, but when I have ClickToFocus set for a window, I get the
following behavior

Window has focus click 3 in Title RaiseLower toggle

Window has no focus click 3 in Title Window Raises briefly
                                                above any windows it
                                                had been below, then
                                                drops to bottom.

This seems not to be consistent behavior. This is my only non-root mouse
3 binding. This seems to be due to the ClickToFocus generating a Raise
event before evoking the RaiseLower which then drops the window to the
bottom. I *really* like fvwm, and I don't consider this a real problem,
but neither do I consider it to be proper behavior, as the Raise is not
called out in the manpage as a result of a window-click, at least as far
as I have found. Is this related to the relatively nasty behavior I see
with some Motif processes (getting a Raise command [dutifully executed]
resulting from a button-click which was issued to call forth a menu in the
window _body_ [note: menus from menubar work properly], thus covering up
the newly created menu)? And maybe with some configureNotify observations
recently raised along with accompanying clouds of smoke and dust
concerning active focus apps? Or maybe I didn't RTFM?

Michael Tiefenback

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Received on Fri Oct 25 1996 - 11:27:28 BST

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