Re: FVWM: Re: "active focus" applications

From: Rob Whapham <>
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 1996 08:50:16 -0400

I've been trying hard not to get involved in this discussion, but there seems to
be a rather obvious solution which I currently use. The only issue is that I
use Fvwm95 and don't know if Fvwm2 (any or all patch levels) has this feature.

Fvwm95 implements focus as a Style element, meaning that it can be set on a
per appliaction basis. My default Style is to use SloppyFocus, but I have a
number of Styles which override this to use ClickToFocus. For example, all of
the ever present windows in the background of my desktop: TaskBar, Pager,
Clock, PerfMeter. That way, if my pointer accidentally ends up over one of
these, it won't disrupt my current focus. This could easily be applied to be
the focus Style of these so called "true GUI" applications. (Although included
in my definition of a "true GUI" is full keyboard support. I rarely pick up
my mouse now. I've got key support in Fvwm95 to switch between app windows,
between Desk Pages, and between Desks. And since I'm a software developer, I
spend most of my time in editors and xterms; so it works out perfectly.) Sure,
this still means that if the mouse wanders out of the ClickToFocus app and into
a SloppyFocus or FocusFollowsMouse window, that window will get focus. But if
you've already got your hand wrapped around the mouse, how hard could it be to

I think what all the discussion on this topic has proven is that "If you can't
please everyone, you've got to please yourself." Fvwm is flexible enough to
fit most everyone's needs, so maybe the real issue is making it easier to
configure for first time users. Maybe revisit the dotfile generator or write
a GUI configuration module. Anyways, being a software developer, I can
sympathize with Chuck in this matter. Now matter how many great and
all-powerful features you put into your product, users will always take them for
granted and demand even more. My advice to everyone--and I mean this in the
sincerest way possible--is to take the time to play around what what Fvwm _CAN_
do. You might be surprised at what you can accomplish.

Of course, this is all IMHO...

Rob Whapham
Software Developer
HubLink, Inc.
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