Re: FVWM: per window autoraise?

From: Kai Grossjohann <>
Date: 09 Oct 1996 11:05:12 +0200

>>>>> 31howk writes:

  Jason> I don't really know if this will help but I have a few
  Jason> windows that I rarely want focus to. I have them styled with
  Jason> ClickToFocus. On my machine, the combination of ClickToFocus
  Jason> and Autoraise have the desired effect -- all other windows
  Jason> are autoraised but the ones with ClickToFocus are ignored by
  Jason> autoraise.

I really want per-window auto raise, tho. I usually want only a
couple of windows to be autoraised. Also, I would like autolower (the
window is lowered when it loses focus). This way, I could position my
DVI previewer over all the little windows (xbiff, xload, xclock etc)
and turn on both autoraise and autolower. Then, I move the mouse from
the editor into the DVI previewer, the previewer pops to the front, I
can look at it. When I move back into the editor, the previewer plops
back to the background again, so that I can look at all the little
windows (want to see the time ;-).

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