FVWM: Re: New FvwmIconMan released, and update on miniicon patch

From: Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 17:12:30 -0400

>>>>> "BM" == Brady Montz <bradym_at_mac-bradym.cs.arizona.edu> writes:

BM> I released version 0.8 of FvwmIconMan. You can get it at:

Ok, I'll be sure to get it.

BM> It contains the miniicon stuff (handled a little bit better than
BM> the rough one that was contained in that mega miniicons patch I
BM> mailed in last week), and more importantly, it tries to minimize
BM> the number of times it redraws the manager windows when you switch
BM> pages.

Oh good. I was going to chat with you about that, because with lots
of windows on each page it would take several seconds to redraw when I
tested it last. I'll have to check out the improvement!

BM> You don't need the miniicons patch to compile this version, it
BM> works fine without it.

Oh good. But I've decided to try and make everyone happy on this one
and actually add the mini icon support. Since it's #ifdef'ed in
there, I guess it won't hurt anything. As I've said in the past I
don't like all these #ifdef's in there for various features, but I've
decided that it's the only way to get closer to pleasing everyone.

Which brings me to another point. Between that, adding Andrew's
Titlebar pixmap patch (without the border textures just yet, although
I may merge some variant of that in as well), the patches from
Albrecht, and all the other stuff that I've put into my local
development version, I think one more beta before 2.1.0 might be in

I really didn't want to do that, but I made the mistake of taking too
long to get it out and feeling the "need" to put a lot of things in.

So, since there will be one more beta, I also would like to take care
of a few more things, like ressurrecting CursorStyle and TogglePaging,
plus some other stuff from the TO-DO list that I think should probably
get done before 2.1.0 now that I've thought about it some more.

I'd like to get 2.0.44 out within a few weeks (it'll probably take a
little bit to pull all this together) then I'd like to get 2.1.0 out
no more than a week or two after that (with NOTHING but bugfixes and
absolute necessites so it won't get delayed again). Then the
semi-mythical Great Style Flags Rewrite and general code cleanup for
the next beta releases (2.2.x) sometime after that (along with
official 2.1.x bugfix and minor enhancement releases, which I'm sure
will be needed).

Sound good?

Well, gotta get back to my weekend...


Charles K. Hines <chuck_hines_at_vnet.ibm.com>
IBM Logic Synthesis Developer [BooleDozer (TM)]
Martial Arts Instructor [Modern Arnis, Presas Style Filipino Martial Arts]
         "Go back to sleep, Chuck.  You're just havin' a nightmare
             -- of course, we ARE still in Hell." (Gary Larson)
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Received on Sat Sep 28 1996 - 16:27:16 BST

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