From: Jonas Svanberg <svan_at_isy.liu.se>
Date: Wed, 04 Sep 1996 17:30:11 +0200

This has to do with "InitFunction" etc. StartupStuff() seems to be
excluded from the fvwm-2.0.43 release due to problems with a
FvwmM4/Cpp startup. The problem is this:

The commands retreived from a module (In this case FvwmM4/Cpp) is
not handled until the HandleEvents() loop is entered. This delays
the definition for "InitFunction" which will therefore be nil when
StartupStuff() is called.

Possible solutions:
1) Create a way to call a module synchroneously. I.e. start it up,
   and dispatch all the commands from it till it dies.
2) Skip the "InitFunction"/"RestartFunction" functionality all
   together and create a way to run commands within a conditional
   construct like 'If $mode="init" then...'.
3) Skip FvwmM4 and FvwmCpp as external (asynchroneous) modules and
   make them internal (again) instead. BTW. It would be nice to be
   able to decide at compiletime to have a module internal or

It is indeed nice to have m4 functionality also in the definitions of
what is to happen at startup time. For instance arithmetic operations
could decide how to center certain modules etc.

I'm sorry if this matter has been discussed before.

        Jonas Svanberg (svan_at_isy.liu.se)
        Linkoping University

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