Re: FVWM: FvwmButtons bug (and workaround :-)

From: Albrecht Kadlec <>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 96 18:11:11 +0200

>>>>> Guenther Grau writes:

G> *FvwmButtons - whatever Swallow "XLoad" Exec xload -nolabel &
G> *FvwmButtons - whatever Swallow "XClock" Exec xclock&

G> What happened to me was, it executed and swallowed xload just fine,
G> executed xclock fine as well, but didn't swallow it. This was just
G> because I had another copy of xclock running. Thus, whenever you have a
G> copy of the program you want to swallow running, it won't swallow the
G> newly executed one, which is a bug (and it doesn't swallow the old one,
G> which is correct, unless you use "UseOld" option :-).

any differences with the new style syntax ?
I've had some problems with the compatibility parameters and therefore
switched to the new syntax.

But I suspect a logical problem in the code. (simply a race condition):

Maybe the clock appears too fast, since the code is already in core.
I think, FvwmButtons looks for some sort of window creation event.
If that one has already passed, it won't find the window.

A engineer, a doctor and a politician were sitting in a dark room
arguing over whose practice was the oldest. The doctor felt he had won
because the first rib was taken out of Adam and given to Eve. This was
a surgical procedure. The Engineer said that Earth was made out of
chaos, therefore making his work the oldest. But then, the politician
asked, "Who do you suppose created the chaos?"
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