FVWM: Re: FvwmM4 -m4-prefix (was FvwmCpp)

From: David S. Goldberg <dsg_at_linus.mitre.org>
Date: 20 Aug 1996 10:31:47 -0400

> I suppose the cynical (and possibly unhelpful) answer is to use
> FvwmM4 instead. m4 is not very difficult to pick up since cpp is
> based on m4. Just make sure to use -m4-prefix to avoid problems with
> `include'.

While I agree on the use of m4 (I use it heavily myself), beware that
-m4-prefix depends on an m4 that supports it, such as gnu m4. Most
stock versions won't. Since I run the same .fvwm2rc on a machine with
gnu m4 and on one without, I use the -m4-squote and -m4-equote options
to specify new quote characters (I need the default `'s for other
things in .fvwm2rc). An alternative would be to put a changequote
directive at the top of .fvwm2rc. I then quote anything that would be
processed by m4. Note that this occasionally causes a surprise. I
recently started using the latest FvwmIconMan and found that gnu m4
has a format directive... I suppose one could quote the entire file,
except for those bits where one wants m4 processing, but that seems to
me to be more a hassle than it's worth.

Dave Goldberg
Post: The Mitre Corporation\MS B305\202 Burlington Rd.\Bedford, MA 01730
Phone: 617-271-3887
Email: dsg_at_mitre.org
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Received on Tue Aug 20 1996 - 09:41:53 BST

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