FVWM: New module suggestion

From: Brady Montz <bradym_at_cs.arizona.edu>
Date: 16 Aug 1996 14:16:54 -0700

I've been toying with this idea for a new module for some time, and was
wondering about other people's thoughts on it.

Here's the background. I have two buttons on my titlebars, one of which
maximizes the window horizontally, and the other vertically. It's annoying
that if I resize first horizonally, and then vertically, I don't get what you
would naively expect, but it's understandable, since fvwm doesn't maintain a
stack of state information for windows.

I once sat down and thought about other cases where one might want state
associated with a window, but have since forgotten what I came up with. Two
things that come to my mind are stack order manipulation, and window groups.

The proposed module would keep all sorts of user definable state about
windows, and upon receiving commands (SendToModule - yippie!) could do
various things.

Does anyone else thing that this might turn into something useful?

 Brady Montz
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Received on Fri Aug 16 1996 - 16:20:40 BST

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