Re: FVWM: Focus and Warp with FvwmIconMan in fvwm2.0.43

From: <>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 1996 15:24:23 -0600

>>>>> "Chuck" == Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM> writes:

>>>>> "Ron" == rgo <> writes:

    Ron> I want to have mouse button 1, when clicked on an entry in
    Ron> the FvwmIconMan table, deiconify the window if necessary,
    Ron> switch focus to the selected window, and warp the cursor to
    Ron> that window.

    Chuck> Basically, you should be able to get the same behavior by
    Chuck> calling a function instead of the builtin Focus, which
    Chuck> could be defined like so:

    Chuck> AddToFunc FocusAndWarp "I" Iconify -1
    Chuck> + "I" Focus
    Chuck> + "I" WarpToWindow 2p 2p

Thanks! This does exactly what I want.
Now I have a new problem:

With fvwm2.0.42 (with focus patch),
I had the following line in my .fvwm2rc:

*FvwmIconMan*action select Focus 0

This allowed sweeping the mouse down the FvwmIconMan table,
and input focus would be given to the selected window,
without changing the current viewport or raising the window.

With fvwm2.0.43, I tried the following:

*FvwmIconMan*action Select sendcommand select select Focus

Unfortunately, if the window is not iconified,
this causes the selected window to be raised,
and the viewport is warped to that of the selected window.
This is very disconcerting and not at all what I want.

Is there a way to get the old behavior in fvwm2.0.43?
Is a patch needed?

Brady Montz suggested changing
builtins.c to delete lines 204 (RaiseWindow) and
perhaps line 205 (KeepOnTop). This fixes the problem
with the window getting raised, but I still get the
warping to the viewport that contains the window.

What can I do to eliminate the warping to another viewport?


	Ron Olsen
	Boulder Colorado
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