Re: FVWM: Changes from .42 to .43 (WarpToWindow?!?)

From: Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 15:42:00 -0400

>>>>> "BAW" == Barry A Warsaw <bwarsaw_at_CNRI.Reston.VA.US> writes:

>>>>> "KG" == Kai Grossjohann
>>>>> <> writes:

KG> New behavior: Focus gives the window focus, WarpToWindow warps
KG> the mouse pointer into the window (without giving focus -- but
KG> there may be a side effect with MouseFocus).

BAW> There's a side affect with Focus now too. At least I see that using
BAW> WindowList to select another window does indeed move the focus to
BAW> it... temporarily. It quickly reverts to the window with the cursor.
BAW> Drag.


Ok, this can be fixed, but we now have another problem - how to do it
and keep everyone happy.

Currently The built in window list has hard coded call to 'Raise_it'
(a built in function especially for the built in winlist it seems)
when it builds the menu.

I think I should make it call something like WinListFunc instead, and
make that be an interpreted function (with a default built up inside
of fvwm that just calls Focus and uniconifies if necessary). That way
WinListFunc could be added to or destroyed and recreated just like any
other interpreted function, and if people need or want the warp in
there (or would rather have the winlist execute a FvwmIdent or
something else) that could be added.

Does this solution sound acceptable to everyone? It might be
overkill, but I'd hate to just put an explicit warp in there and have
lots of people yell about it again.

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Received on Tue Aug 06 1996 - 15:29:50 BST

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