Re: FVWM: Re: Re: beta 2.0.43 ready

From: Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 10:29:57 -0400

>>>>> "Jason" == Jason L Tibbitts <> writes:

>>>>> "TTF" == Todd Tyrone Fries <> writes:
Jason> [Sorry, attribution has been lost]
>>> I have an odd idea/request pertaining to the ftp site. I know there are
>>> fvwm alternatives like bowman (NeXT Step clone) and fvwm95 (Windows 95
>>> clone) which are kinda "cute". I thought it'd be kinda
>>> useful/appropriate/kewl to see the family of "feeble" window managers in
>>> the same site.

TTF> Since they are separate projects, hrm, ask the hpc maintainer I
TTF> guess...

Jason> I'm not too keen on the idea.

Me neither. They are seperate projects, even though they were started
with fvwm, and we really have nothing to do with them otherwise, so
why should we have them at the same site? (after all by that same
token shouldn't they all be with the twm code, since that is where
fvwm got it's start from?)

Jason> It slightly irks me that fvwm95 was split off; why could not
Jason> the effort be invested to get fvwm to the point where it could
Jason> do what fvwm95 does instead of just taking off in an
Jason> incompatible direction?

We all know why fvwm95 came about - because of my feelings that I
don't think all the stuff put in fvwm95 belongs fvwm, although some of
the features may appear eventually.

But I really don't want to get into that whole discussion again...
I'll just say that the only thing that really bugs me about fvwm95 is
the choice of leaving the 'fvwm' in the name and that people email me
(and the fvwm lists) with questions about it.

TTF> Personally I hope someday that the features of fvwm95 and bowman will
TTF> work their way into fvwm as either compile-time or style-flag choices.
TTF> IMHO, though.

Jason> I think that would be the the ideal goal.

Some features will probably appear as style flag choices and the like,
but I'd prefer to stay away from compile time stuff.

Also, I'd like to try making it possible to do more stuff in modules
that could alter the apperance (menus drawn by modules are certainly
easily possible now) or perhaps through dynamic loading (which would
probably be better for this but a little less portable), but honestly
it's not a high priority for me.


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