Re: FVWM: icons in menu-labels

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1996 15:42:01 -0400

>>>>> "JM" == Julien Maillard <> writes:

JM> Hello,


JM> I have two quesions concerning icons in menu-labels:

JM> 1) I noticed that when using:
JM> "Calculator%xcalc.xpm%"
JM> the text to the right of the icon in not centered vertically with
JM> respect to the icon height... this shows up when the icon is taller
JM> than the font used... would it be easy to make them centered? I know
JM> this really *is* a detail... just wondering!

You should have read the TO-DO list, as this is in there. :)

I'll get to it eventually if someone else doesn't mail me a patch for
it first. It's not too high up on my priorities right now.

JM> 2) How big of an overload is it to add icons to menu labels? I only
JM> added a few so far without noticable change in speed... any idea?

It shouldn't be too bad, as long as you don't go crazy. The more
different XPMs you use in the menus, the more colors & memory it'll
eat up. But if they are all relatively small and use similiar colors,
even a lot of different ones shouldn't cause any problems at all.


Charles K. Hines <>
IBM Logic Synthesis Developer [BooleDozer (TM)]
Martial Arts Instructor [Modern Arnis, Presas Style Filipino Martial Arts]

         "Go back to sleep, Chuck. You're just havin' a nightmare
             -- of course, we ARE still in Hell." (Gary Larson)
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Received on Mon Jun 17 1996 - 14:47:25 BST

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