Re: FVWM: FVWM-2 WindowList

From: Kai Grossjohann <>
Date: 07 Jun 1996 21:20:01 +0200

>>>>> On Fri, 07 Jun 1996 11:34:43 +0100, James Elson
>>>>> <> said:

  James> You can get this sort of behaviour using Fvwm2's Next and
  James> Prev commands.

While we're at the subject of Next and Prev, I wonder. I once thought
that these would select windows based on a last-visited basis. So, I
made an experiment:

>From a menu, I called up three xterms which I will call A, B and C in
the following. I position the mouse in A (which makes A have focus as
I use SloppyFocus). I hit Alt-k (bound to Prev) which takes me to B.
Fine. I move the mouse into C then back into A, taking care that the
mouse doesn't touch B on the way. I hit Alt-k which takes me to C,
right? Wrong, it takes me to B.

What's the story? Is anybody else seeing this?


Hey, Rob and Chuck, thanks for the great work on Fvwm -- it lets me
work around a misfeature in Mosaic and Netscape (probably in other
motifish programs, too). You would think that using a keyboard
shortcut to, say, pop up a file selector box is a way of avoiding
using the mouse, right? Wrong. If you use FocusFollowsMouse or
SloppyFocus, it isn't. You have to grab the mouse then move the mouse
pointer into the file selector box to be able to type anything into it

Fvwm lets me choose ClickToFocus for selected windows, such as Mosaic
and Netscape, which avoids this problem :-)

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Received on Fri Jun 07 1996 - 14:29:31 BST

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