Re: FVWM: Keysyms again.

From: Kai Grossjohann <>
Date: 22 May 1996 17:59:36 +0200

>>>>> On Wed, 22 May 1996 15:31:57 +0100,
>>>>> D.Kennedy_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK (David Kennedy) said:

  David> This is becoming a very FAQ...and its not directly fvwm related.
  David> I have a key on my Sun (type 5?) keyboard, beside the F keys,
  David> with nothing on it (beside 'Help'). I'd like for it to be
  David> 'Lock Screen'. Running 'xev' shows it up as 'NoSymbol'.

This was the right way to find out the name of that key.
Find out the number of the key (also using xev), then use the
following command in your .xinitrc or .xsession or whatever file:
xmodmap -e 'keycode 42 = bla'
Choose the right number (instead of 42), and choose a keysym that
actually exists (look at <X11/keysymdef.h> for those).

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Received on Wed May 22 1996 - 11:52:18 BST

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