FVWM: overlays for popups ?

From: Frederic Devernay <Frederic.Devernay_at_sophia.inria.fr>
Date: Fri, 17 May 1996 19:24:36 +0200

Could Fvwm use overlay planes (supported by HP, SGI, IBM, DEC) whenever
available for menus and the "window location" window ?
SGIs don't have saveunders, so the fvwm menus slow down screen refresh a
lot. Using overlays would be the best way to avoid this.
If somebody volunteers for adding overlay support but needs some example
code, I think a good implementation can be found in the latest Mesa 3D
library (ftp://iris.ssec.wisc.edu/tmp/Mesa-1.2.8beta.tar.gz and

Projet ROBOTVIS -- INRIA Sophia Antipolis -- FRANCE
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Received on Fri May 17 1996 - 12:49:31 BST

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