Re: FVWM: Window title for xterm

From: Danny Sung <>
Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 15:35:37 -0700

>> Is it possible to change the title/iconname of a xterm-window dynamically
>> to show the name of the process running in the foreground if such one exists
>> or if such one does not exist the current directory ?

>Below is a snippet from a TCL script I use to set the title of each new xterm I
>create. The key is the ESC sequences...

Here's mine...

#!/bin/csh -f
# Sets the title bar of an xterm
# (My addition)

if( $?term ) then
        if( $term == "xterm" ) then
                echo -n "]2;`hostname`:`pwd`"

And I use the following in my .cshrc, which gives me prompts suitable for
both text terminals and X terms:

alias a alias
a ll 'ls -lFa'
a pd pushd

a setprompt 'set prompt="$user_at_$host `dirs` \! > "'

a pushd 'pushd \!:* ; setprompt'
a popd 'popd ; setprompt'
a cd 'cd \!:* ; setprompt'
a telnet 'telnet \!:* ; setprompt'
a rlogin 'rlogin \!:* ; setprompt'

# doesn't work properly on Linux and some other systems
# so, we make the aliases to call setprompt directly
if( $?TERM ) then
        if( $TERM == "xterm" || $TERM == "xterms" ) then
                unalias setprompt
                a setprompt 'set prompt="$user_at_$host \! > " ; /usr/bin/pwdtitle '
                if( $?SHELL ) then
                  if( `basename $SHELL` == "tcsh" ) then
                    a setprompt 'set prompt="%n_at_%m#%l %h %?%# "; /usr/bin/pwdtitle'



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