FVWM: Mouseless fvwm'ing?

From: Jessica Perry Hekman <jphekman_at_ora.com>
Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 16:34:37 -0400 (EDT)

Due to RSI problems which I suspect are brought on by mousing, I'm trying
to configure fvwm to let me use my keyboard for things like iconification,
refocusing, etc. It's great for almost all of this, but there's one thing
I can't figure out how to do -- I can't get a key bound to a mouse button.
I can use my kbd to move my cursor over a URL in my browser, for example,
but I can't get a key to simulate a mouse click. Does anyone know how to
do this in fvwm?

I'll upgrade to the latest version if that's necessary, so I'm not going
to try to figure out my version number, but it might be useful for you to
know that I'm running fvwm on a Sparc, Solaris 2.4.

Note that I'm not on this list, so could you make sure I'm cc'ed in all
replies, please?


Jessica Perry Hekman	O'Reilly and Associates
jphekman_at_ora.com	http://jasper.ora.com/jphekman
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Received on Mon May 13 1996 - 15:47:35 BST

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