FVWM: Re: Fvwm article

From: Barton E. Schaefer <schaefer_at_z-code.ncd.com>
Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 22:13:49 -0700

Dave Goldberg <dsg_at_linus.mitre.org> wrote:
} > He says that as it stands, virtual desks add little to the virtual
} > page concept.
} Then he hasn't been opening enough windows :-)
} I use a 3x3 desktop and until very recently only used a single desk.
} However, on a recent project, I found I was opening more and more
} windows. I like to keep the number of windows per page as small as
} possible to avoid overlap.

Couldn't agree more. I use a combination of several 2x2 desktops (with
alt+arrow keys mapped to change pages), StartsOnDesk styles to place my
apps on the appropriate desks, and both StickyIcons and StubbornIcons
(yup, 1.24r) so that any app I've iconified follows me around. A quick
double-click takes me back to both the app and its desk. This is very
handy with, for example, Z-Mail, which changes the color of the icon
when new mail arrives. (Since I can selectively iconify, the icons
take up less space than leaving FvwmWinList on the page, and they're
much faster to use than waiting for a transient FvwmWinList to pop up.)

Still lobbying for StubbornIcons, even as a global rather than a Style,
in 2.0.* ...
Bart Schaefer                     Vice President, Technology, Z-Code Software
schaefer_at_z-code.com                  Division of NCD Software Corporation
http://www.well.com/www/barts           http://www.ncdsoft.com/ZMail/
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Received on Fri May 03 1996 - 00:10:20 BST

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