Re: FVWM: Compiling fvwm 2.0.42

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 09:52:14 -0400

>>>>> "Marc" == Marc A Volovic <> writes:

Marc> Hello,

Marc> I've encountered a peculiar problem in compiling and running
Marc> fvwm 2.0.42:

Marc> For some reason, setPixmapPath (PixmapPath directive) does NOT
Marc> get compiled into the code (even though XPM _is_ defined) and,
Marc> as a result, fvwm reports that "PixmapPath - no such module" or
Marc> words to that effect.

Marc> Xpmroot runs perfectly, enabling setPixmapPath in builtins.c by
Marc> hand allws the thing to compile and run WITHOUT the error - but
Marc> PixmapPath is ignored and no XPM icons are available. This is
Marc> NOT a tragedy, but has anyone seen such a problem?

Several people have reported problems like this, although they weren't
claiming to be defining XPM...

So, what I'm guessing that you are setting FvwmCompiler and
FvwmCompilerFlags, correct? If so, it's probably my screwup w/
FvwmCompilerFlags that is causing problems here.

Change this in Fvwm.tmpl:

#ifdef FvwmCompilerFlags
        CFLAGS = FvwmCompilerFlags

which may be causing -Ddefines to be lost, to:

#ifdef FvwmCompilerFlags
        CDEBUGFLAGS = FvwmCompilerFlags

then remake the makefiles & rebuild and see if that works better.

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Received on Fri Apr 26 1996 - 08:49:41 BST

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