Re: FVWM: 1.24r -> 2.0.42 upgrade woes

From: Albrecht Kadlec <>
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 96 14:16:42 +0200

>>>>> Barry A Warsaw writes:

B> I'm new both to fvwm and (just minutes ago) fvwm2. I'd spent the last
B> few days moving from ctwm to fvwm and had gotten my configuration file
B> (not located at ~/.fvwmrc) just about how I wanted it.

B> So I decided to pull down version 2 beta and run it with my version 1
B> config file: fvwm -f /path/to/my/fvwmrc

B> Whoa! Big problem! The -f command line switch has different
B> semantics now. I got a semi-cryptic error from fvwm saying it
B> couldn't exec my file. Hmm, I didn't think it should have exec
B> permission, but okay, I changed it anyway. Still no good. On top of
B> this, fvwm still starts up but with *no way* to exit it! Fortunately
B> I start up an XEmacs process too so I can kill fvwm.
comp.os.emacs :-)

B> for backwards compatibility sake, I would suggest that -f have the
B> same semantics as for version 1, and that a different switch be used
B> for the new semantics. Also, fvwm should have some failsafe exit
B> mechanism that is *always* present unless specifically defeated. No
B> matter how early the problem in the config file is, there should be a
B> tidy way to exit fvwm. These things would help in the conversion
B> process.

does it make sense to have C-c or C-d kill fvwm, if there is no more
(so even if the focus is on a stack of xbiffs / other useless windows, and
you've no xterm or xemacs :-), you could exit/logout by repeatedly pressing
C-d or C-c or sth like that.

B> Finally, I have a dual-headed SparcStation, so I tried starting up
oops, a hydra ?
sorry, no idea about this one.

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