(no subject)

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 15:44:40 -0400

>>>>> "Amit" == AMGANESH US ORACLE COM <AMGANESH_at_us.oracle.com> writes:

Amit> I switched to fvwm. And the system (Sun Sparc 10) seems to be
Amit> overloaded by the window manager related processes... Do you
Amit> know if there is a fix to this? If the GoodStuff comes at such
Amit> a heavy price (75% of CPU time) I would rather not have it...

It shouldn't be taking more than a few percent of the CPU at any given
moment. Something odd must be going on there. Are you really running
3 of them at once, or have they just locked up so you started another
one, etc.

A simple fix - kill those processes and don't run the GoodStuff
toolbar again. It's nice and all, but not necessary.

Also, what version are you running? I know it's 1.xx, but is it the
last of the released versions (1.24r) or a much earlier version? I'd
recommend trying 1.24r if you're currently trying an earlier version,
or if you are feeling brave you could try the latest 2.xx beta
version... (see http://www.hpc.uh.edu/fvwm/)

Other than that, it could be a bug in your compiler (or just the way
it was comiled), X libs, etc. Basically, I'm not sure what the
problem is.


Charles K. Hines <chuck_hines_at_vnet.ibm.com>
IBM Logic Synthesis developer [BooleDozer (TM)]
Martial Arts Instructor [Modern Arnis, Presas Style Filipino Martial Arts]

IBM Internal email: "Go back to sleep, Chuck. You're
  hines_at_cold.fishkill.ibm.com, just havin' a nightmare--of course,
  HINESC at FISHKILL, HINESC at FSHVMFK1 we are still in Hell." Gary Larson
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Received on Wed Apr 24 1996 - 14:42:29 BST

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