FVWM: Re: [fvwm-2.0.42] FvwmButtons and swallowed apps / styles

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 14:56:18 -0400

>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Borges <mdb_at_cdc.noaa.gov> writes:

>>> On Mon, 22 Apr 1996 14:10:29 -0400,
>>> Charles Hines(ch) wrote:

Mark> In fvwm-2.0.41, this style line:
Mark> Style "xbuffy" NoTitle,NoHandles,Sticky,WindowListSkip,RandomPlacement

Mark> and this resource:

Mark> *FvwmButtons(2x2) - NULL Swallow "xbuffy" Exec xbuffy -priority 16

Mark> would make the transient pop-up windows (i.e., those created by xbuffy
Mark> when a mailbox button is pushed) come up undecorated. This fails in

ch> Do you have 'Style "*" DecorateTransients' in your .fvwm2rc

Mark> Yes, but I always have. I want transients to be decorated by default,
Mark> but this specific instance not to be. So I thought the specific would
Mark> over-ride the general wildcard. It did in fvwm-2.0.41.

ch> You could try adding 'Style "xbuffy" NakedTransients' and see if it
ch> helps.

Mark> I just tried doing that via FvwmTalk, and it didn't help. Unless it
Mark> needs a full restart for it to take effect, that is.

No, but to affect windows that are already up you would need to do a
Recapture. New windows should use that new value.

I don't recall changing anything that should have affected this...

Just for grins, try invoking it OUTSIDE of the new FvwmButtons and see
how it behaves.

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Received on Mon Apr 22 1996 - 13:53:50 BST

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