FVWM: FvwmForm enhancements request

From: Paul D. Smith <paul_smith_at_BayNetworks.com>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 96 11:33:53 EDT

Here're some more goodies for the FvwmForm module TODO list:

  - Provide a title specifier so that you can leave a titlebar on the form
    window and something more interesting than the form app name can be
    specified (FvwmFormTitle?)

  - Need a popdown selector widget style for FvwmFormChoice, in addition
    to the current pushbutton style.

  - I'd like string compare operators in the FvwmFormCommand option,


    So the syntax is really:

        command : "$(" expr "?" command ")"

        expr : name | name op name
        op : "==" | "!="

        name : Name | String | command

    Or something (just hacked this BNF off the top of my head :) Heck,
    there're lots of cool operators I can think of: perl's "~=" for
    regexp matching, for example... once the first one is done more
    should be easy to add.

  - I'd love to see C's trinary operator supported in FvwmFormCommand;
    it would be much cleaner than "$(name?then) $(name!else)". Instead,
    add an optional : clause to the ? operator, like this:


    Of course, that means that anyone's current Command definition that
    includes a ":" in the "string" clause will break, but... :) And
    you'd need some way of escaping it.
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