FVWM: what is different - problems executing programs

From: Stephen Riehm <stephen.riehm_at_PC-Plus.DE>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 19:33:45 +0200 (MEZ)

Hi All,

up till now I've only noticed problems when starting Xterm from a
window manager (in my case fvwm2.041) - now I've just installed
ImageMagick - and I can start it from any command prompt (although I
do have a script which sets the LIBPATH so that it can find
libMagick.a - which I can't write to /usr/lib or /lib) - anyway, it
all works fine from the CLI - but when I try to start it from the
window manager - nothing happens.

I've checked that the window manager has the right path (I've even put
in the full path name) and there's no typo's, because I have cut the
command from the .fvwm file and pasted it to my command line, and it
worked just fine.

Is there a logical reason why starting applications from the window
manager seems to be different than starting them from the command
line? Can someone explain it in a way which might lead to a solution
for this problem?

Thanks in advance,

_______________________________ ._ o ________________________________
// Stephen Riehm / //\. Stephen.Riehm_at_pc-plus.de
\\\\ pc-plus ' \>> | Phone: +49 89 62030 148
//// 81539 Munich, Germany \\ ` Fax: +49 89 62030 113
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Received on Mon Apr 15 1996 - 12:33:05 BST

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