FVWM: FvwmPager and the little windows

From: Kai Grossjohann <grossjoh_at_charly.informatik.uni-dortmund.de>
Date: 25 Mar 1996 11:50:23 +0100

Currently, FvwmPager uses about three colors: One for the background,
one for the foreground, and one for the highlighting. Is this

In a non highlighted desk/page, the little windows can be seen only
because they have a border round them. Is there any way of making
them have a different color than the little root windows?

To illustrate:

        Desk 1
    | |
    | +-------+ |
    | | (*) | |
    | +-------+ |
    | (*) |

(*) These two areas should have different colors.

There ain't no cure for the summer time blues.
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Received on Mon Mar 25 1996 - 04:50:34 GMT

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