FVWM: Command to send arbitrary stuff to modules

From: Brady Montz <bradym_at_cs.arizona.edu>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 1996 11:23:28 -0700 (MST)

Modules can send arbitrary command to fvwm. I think that it would be
nice if fvwm could send commands to modules. Perhaps something like:

Send "FvwmModule" "command string"

which would send the string "command string" to all instances of FvwmModule
which are currently running. And then fvwm could send a packet to the
appropriate module which contained the text.

This idea came up when somebody suggested that it would be cool if FvwmIconMan
could use the arrow keys to move from one window to another, and of course,
the other window list/icon box modules could do exactly the same.

A more ambitions way to use this would be to write a module which could extend
the fvwm command language. For example, something I've often thought would
be cool, but couldn't think of an easy way to do, is if fvwm could maintain
state for windows that the user could modify. I currently have two buttons
on my title bars, one which calls "Maximize 0 100" and another which does
"Maximize 100 0". If I click on the horizontal zoom button, then the vertical
zoom button, I would expect the window to first expand horizontally, and then
expand vertically so that it occupies the entire screen. Instead, when I click
on the vertical button, it just goes back to its original size. The problem
obviously is that fvwm doesn't maintain a stack for the various window sizes.
Also, it might be cool to be able to write fvwm functions which could remember
where windows are, or their window stack position, etc. Not easy things to add
to fvwm without bloating it, but if you could send commands to modules, you
could write a module whose only purpose is to implement extensions to the fvwm
command language.

Any thoughts?

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Received on Sun Mar 24 1996 - 12:23:34 GMT

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