FVWM: Another color reduction program for xpm

From: Romano Giannetti <romano_at_iet.unipi.it>
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 13:26:12 +0100 (MET)

Well, I could not resist...

I have modified the program pixy.c in two way: now you have a
function, distance(...), where you can play and where I convert
too rgb value into hvc: I noted that simply computing color distances
with plain hvc euclidian distances give a choose of color more
pleasant to the eye (this is equivalent to give more importance to hue
than to saturation or luminosity). Now it tend to tranform the pixmap
set in one that is a bit more brilliant...

If you like it you have to thanks Dan Espen too... without his mails,
pixy2 would not exist.

Take it from:

I'm open to better distance() routines.

Ah. I have added a script that find all the icons you name in .fvwm2rc
and reduce their color, putting the new ones in the current directory.
***********WARNING************* use it in a directory **different***
from the one where your icons stay... or you'll lose the original ones.


Dr. Romano Giannetti Dip. di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Researcher Elettronica Informatica Telecomunicazioni
romano_at_iet.unipi.it University of Pisa

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Received on Thu Mar 14 1996 - 06:27:19 GMT

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