FVWM: Caps lock and modifiers

From: Graeme McCaffery <mccaffer_at_eee2.bham.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 14:32:17 GMT

I must first admit to being mistified but the alt and diamond keys on the sun keyboard

I'm using a sun with solaris 2.4

I tried the lines:

xmodmap -e 'clear lock'
xmodmap -e 'add Mod2 Caps_Lock'

the first line worked but the second gives me the message

xmodmap: commandline:0: bad add modifier keysym list (empty)
xmodmap: 1 errors encountered, aborting.

secondly how could I bind every thing so that fvwm doesn't interfere with motif applications?

Also is it possible to specify a set geometry that you want FvwmTalk to default to and to always start at no matter how crowded the screen is?


p.s. has anyone provided the resize routine for xpm yet?
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Received on Wed Mar 13 1996 - 08:34:50 GMT

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