FVWM: FVWM - problem starting Xterms under AIX

From: Stephen Riehm <stephen.riehm_at_PC-Plus.DE>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 11:09:43 +0100 (MEZ)

Hi All,

I've got a pretty strange problem here, and it confuses the hell out
of me, now I'm hoping that someone else has seen / found a way around

I'm running fvwm-2.0.41 on an RS6000 AIX 3.2.5 - but I only have a
XStation 160 on my desk, ie: I'm not working on the workstation

Anyway, when I start up, I can start a few Xterms via .xinit, but once
the session is running, I can't start Xterms from fvwm (This problem
also appeared with mwm by the way, but keep reading...) because the X
server dies, and I have to log in again. Here's an example of what I'm
doing in fvwm:

Key m A 2 Exec exec xterm -name XTermMail -e elm &

fairly simple stuff. And here's the bit that confuses me, when I start
it by hand, it works, if I try to start it with the key mapping above,
or via a menu, everything goes dark (black screen) and I get a shiny
new login prompt :-/ (same applies to any Xterms started this way)

I don't think its really a problem with fvwm, but I can't explain why
it crashes when started from the window manager, and not when started
by hand.

Has anyone encountered this before??

And just to add spice to it all, after I've been working for a few
hours, then it magically starts working from the window manager as
well, but I can't figure out what event causes the switch, I normally
try at about lunch time, and sometimes it works, sometimes not, and
once it works, it keeps on working for the whole day!

Any tips greatly appreciated.

Thanks for listening :-)

thanks in advance
_______________________________ ._ o ________________________________
// Stephen Riehm / //\. Stephen.Riehm_at_pc-plus.de
\\\\ pc-plus ' \>> | Phone: +49 89 62030 148
//// 81539 Munich, Germany \\ ` Fax: +49 89 62030 113
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