FVWM: Popup- start two programs?

From: Kevin Werner <kwerner_at_holli.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 22:55:41 -0800

Is there a way to have one popup menu item start two
programs? I'm using fvwm 1.?

For example:

        Exec "PSpice Manager" exec pspice/msimmgrd
        Exec "PSpice Schematics" exec pspice/psched

        Exec "Mgr/Schematics" exec 'pspice/msimmgrd;pspice/psched'

I tried several combinations of 's and "s. Can this be done by creating
a "function?"? A couple seconds wait might be needed, as the schematic
editor won't start without the manager program.


| |
| Kevin Werner mailto:kwerner_at_holli.com |
| Kokomo, IN http://www.holli.com/~kwerner |
| http://www.holli.com/~xeno |
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