FVWM: FvwmIconBox patch

From: <jarl_at_cptsu5.univ-mrs.fr>
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 1996 10:58:20 +0100 (MET)

Some small patches to FvwmIconBox can be found at

I was unable to find Nobutaka Suzuki at the address on the man page,
does anyone know who is maintaining FvwmIconBox now? Chuck?

Anyway, here's the contents of the patch:

  1) Adds "*FvwmIconBoxMargins number" for changing the width of margins
     to number, where default was hardcoded to 6.
  2) Adds "*FvwmIconBoxFont None" which specifies that no font will be used,
     thus there will be no bars below the icons.
  3) Makes the window gracefully be resized to unexpected sizes, and not just
     make a mess out of itself like before.
  4) Makes the dragging of scrollbars more intuitive and standard.
  5) Documents 1) and 2) on the man page.

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Received on Sat Mar 02 1996 - 03:57:09 GMT

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