Re: FVWM: tabbing in fvwm?

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 1996 11:43:07 -0500

>>>>> "Rob" == Robert Nation 885-9815 <> writes:

>> Included is a variations I like, modified from another one posted here
>> (uuencoded) and it's all square, so I don't think the shape extensions
>> would be needed.

Rob> Ifd the top-level window is not rectangular, you need the shape
Rob> extensions. What you have is two rectangles which are placed
Rob> together. I believe that this would require shape extensions.

Just so everyone knows what Rob is referring to here - all of the
decorations and the app window have this top level parent window
courtesy of fvwm, which if it were to contain two different sized
windows like that would require the SHAPES extension.

The SHAPES extension, as Rob noted, is definitely slow at times,
unless you have a really good machine and a graphics card optimized
for special X stuff (like the SGI machines, perhaps).

I've poked around the code somewhat, and looked at how [c]twm does
this, and based on that and these discussions, adding this 'tab'
feature would not be trivial work.

I know people out there like this feature, and if it works well for
your way of working that's great, but I have this feeling that it may
not appear. Or if it does, definitely not for some time.

I'm sorry 'bout this, but as I've said in the past there are a lot of
cool features and ideas out there but we can't satisfy everyone all
the time. Don't let this deter you from making suggestions and
requests though!

If people out there absolutely cannot live without this feature, you
have a few choices:

  1. Continue to use [c,tv,v]twm instead.
  2. Hack the fvwm code yourselves. I can't guarantee that I'll add
     any patches you send, but I will at least look at them.
  3. Find an alternate way to do what you want (or as close as
     possible) with existing fvwm features, either with a small change
     in your window stacking order, multiple virtual pages and/or
     desktops, special keybindings, the winlist or winlist module
     (with Grant's proposed horizontal option perhaps), the IconMan
     module, etc.

Back to the grind...

Charles K. Hines <>
IBM Logic Synthesis developer [BooleDozer (TM)]
Martial Arts Instructor [Modern Arnis, Presas Style Filipino Martial Arts]

IBM Internal email: "Go back to sleep, Chuck. You're, just havin' a nightmare--of course,
  HINESC at FISHKILL, HINESC at FSHVMFK1 we are still in Hell." Gary Larson
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