Re: FVWM: tabbing in fvwm?

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 1996 14:35:29 -0500

>>>>> "David" == David Mosberger-Tang <> writes:

David> Does fvwm v2.x support tabbing a la twm? To make sure we're
David> talking about the same thing: what I'm looking for is the
David> ability to make the title bar just wide enough to hold the
David> window title (and whatever buttons end up in the title bar).
David> In twmrc, this is called option "SqueezeTitle". I find this
David> feature invaluable in giving fast and convenient access to
David> multiple stacked windows.

Fvwm doesn't have this feature of twm.

David> If it hasn't been implemented yet, any chance that it will be
David> added soon?

I doubt it... Or if so, at least not soon.

David> If not, what's the reason for not implementing it?

Well, I'll give a few:

1. I've only browsed twm and hadn't really seen that feature until I
   tried it after your note came in. Then I read the man page to
   get a little more info on it.

2. I'm not trying to emulate every feature of every window manager
   (this includes win95) out there. One of fvwm's goals is to be
   (stay) small and fast, and adding more features generally
   detracts from this. I'm pretty selective. Generically powerful
   features that don't cost too much memory, speed, or code
   complexity have a possibility of being added to fvwm. Other
   things should be added as modules, perhaps. If they can be.

3. If I were to implement it, it should probably be part of the
   recently added TitleStyle stuff, and all of that moved as a parm
   under the Style command, and I'm all out of style flags for the
   moment. Perhaps after the 'Great Style Flag Rewrite' which will
   occur shortly after the seemingly mythical 'First Official 2.xx
   Release'. But then, do we want the added memory overhead of
   title style info added to each window? Can it be arranged to be
   cheap as far as memory usage goes? Possibly...

4. Doc updates, build/install process fixes, and bugfixes are more
   important to me than most other things right now, mostly to help
   reach the 'First Official 2.xx Release' goal.

David> I'd love to switch to fvwm but can't do so until tabbing is
David> supported.

That's unfortunate. But if that's the feature that makes it for you,
and no other features of fvwm make you want to switch, you're probably
better off sticking with twm (or perhaps ctwm, vtwm, or tvtwm, which
all have this feature as well since they are more directly spawned
from twm) for the time being. You've got to use what works for you.

>>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff S Elam <> writes:

Jeff> That sounds like a GREAT feature. I second the request!

I think it sounds interesting, but never having used it I'm having a
hard time seeing how it would be more useful than having the full
sized titles, which really don't take up that much more room.

Perhaps my typical window layouts make a difference here, since I can
see that they probably wouldn't benefit at all from this feature.

I can see a potential benefit if you like to lay out your windows
overlapping horizontally. Do you do this? Do a lot of people out
there do this?

I'll have to think about this feature... I'll add it to the TO-DO
list with a question mark to remind me to investiage it when I get a
chance, but I can't make any guarantees.

If people can provide examples to sway me one way or the other, that'd
be helpful.


Charles K. Hines <>
IBM Logic Synthesis developer [BooleDozer (TM)]
Martial Arts Instructor [Modern Arnis, Presas Style Filipino Martial Arts]

IBM Internal email: "Go back to sleep, Chuck. You're, just havin' a nightmare--of course,
  HINESC at FISHKILL, HINESC at FSHVMFK1 we are still in Hell." Gary Larson
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