FVWM: is this a bug?

From: Noam Ben Yochanan <noam_at_brachot.jct.ac.il>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 1996 15:26:06 +0200 (IST)


  I'm trying to get Netscape to run from the GoodStuff window. I keep on
getting the message "/bin/sh: netscape00: Permission denied" in my
.xsession-errors file and Netscape doesn't run.
  The permisions for Netscape on our system are restricted. Only poeple
on the "netters" group are allowed to use it. The permissions are as follows:

r-x--x--- root netters ...

  I run Netscape from the shell prompt with no problems, so I don't really
have a permission problem of any kind.
  I did manage to get Netscape to work from GoodStuff by changing the
permissions so that everybody has execute permission (r-x--x--x).

  Is this a bug? a hidden feature? :-)


Noam Ben Yochanan __ _ ___ ___ __ __ "And the client exclaimed,
Jerusalem College of | | || _ || _ || | | with a snarl and a taunt:
Technology, |_|__||___||_|_||_|_|_| It's just what I asked for,
noam_at_brachot.jct.ac.il but it's not what I want!"
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