Re: FVWM: Re: Simple Key Bindings.

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 1996 09:22:15 -0500

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Tarrall <tarrall_at_solarz.Colorado.EDU> writes:

Robert> Dave Goldberg wrote:
-> >>>>> Robert Tarrall writes:
-> Robert> I too would very much like to see this. Perhaps the syntax
-> Robert> could be something like "StartsOnDesk 0:1" for page 1 of desk
-> Robert> 0? Then the X geometry could be interpreted as being relative
-> Robert> to that page rather than the current page...
-> This would certainly be alot nicer than what I do now, which is
-> calculate the screenwidth and height with xdpyinfo and specify
-> geometry with appropriate multiples of those values. However for
-> those who want to do it, an example would be
-> xterm -geometry +0+`expr $SCREENHEIGHT`

Robert> That's what I was doing too, only it was so ugly I was
Robert> embarrassed to admit it. :-)

Don't be embarrased. That's the way I do it too.

Robert> I delved into the source with the intention of coming up with
Robert> some fix for this, only to discover that there is a way to do
Robert> something that's close enough for my purposes - use the
Robert> "GotoPage" function.

The problem with that being that it can only be used in the .fvwm2rc,
which I know many people would rather start their apps in the .xinitrc
(I'm in that group as well). I'm sure that they would like to be able
to do this too.

Robert> It would be sort of nice to have the client start on the new
Robert> desk and page without switching to that page, but I think that
Robert> would require mods to the source code to do.

Yup, it will require mods to the source. But, I kinda like this idea,
so I've added it to the TO-DO list:

  - Add StartsOnPage x y or something similiar to compliment
    StartsOnDesk (and add X resource FvwmPage which will be analogous
    to the Desk X resource, which I think should be renamed to

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