Re: FVWM: Move Gets Stuck at Window Edges

From: Robert Nation 885-9815 <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 96 09:40:02 EST

>MB> Turns out that this is related to the EdgeResistance setting (I'm using
>MB> 1500 50).
>Yes, it is. It sounds like you're only modifying the first parameter,
>though. From the fvwm man page:

I think MB is right. If you make the first parameter big you *might* expect
that it would still be possible to quickly move windows accross viewports
(provided that the second paramter is small), but changing viewports
just for the sake of changing them would be slow and difficult. Fvwm
does not work this way. If you set the first parameter to 2500, there is a
2.5 second delay when moving windows accross the screen border. Since we
are changing viewports, this behavior is consistent with the description, but
is still unexpected, and possibly undesireable, but I'm not sure.

The second parameter was designed to make it easy to line windows up on the
screen edge, not to make it difficult to change pages. In fact, the second
parameter kicks in when the moved-window's edge is on the screen edge,
not when the cursor is on the screen edge.

I think MB wants to have the first edge-resistance parameter ignored when
he's moving windows. I don't know if this is generally desireable or not.


Note: try using this function in place of all your "Move"s:

AddToFunc MoveFunc "I" EdgeResistance 0 100
+ "I" Move
+ "I" EdgeResistance 1500 100

Which is kinda neat, and does what you want without re-coding fvwm.


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Received on Fri Jan 05 1996 - 08:41:00 GMT

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