FVWM: Sun Perfmeter won't run

From: Charlie Milhans <milhans_at_fmfm18.nsc.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 10:45:05 -0500 (EST)

I get the following error when trying to bring up the Sun Openwindows
perfmeter in fvwm:

window: Base frame not passed parent window in environment
Unable to create frame

Is there a way to bring it up in the fvwm environment? Thanks.

Charlie Milhans
Unix System Administrator
| Phone: (207) 775-8384 | Address: National Semiconductor |
| FAX: (207) 761-6067 | 333 Western Avenue |
| Beeper (207) 750-9574 | Mail Stop 01-20 |
| INTERnet: milhans_at_fmfm18.nsc.com | So. Portland, ME 04106 |

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Received on Thu Dec 21 1995 - 09:42:39 GMT

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