FVWM: Refreshing Window Styles/Icons?

From: Mike Blatchley <mikeb_at_maxtor.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 00:43:07 -0700 (MST)

I am using the Style command in fvwm 2.0.39 to specify different icons for
different applications. Some of my applications first start out in XTerm
windows (i.e. matlab), but when I start the app, I have it change the
title of the window (to, sfor instance, matlab). But, the window manager
still thinks this is an XTerm window and shows me the XTerm icon when
iconified. If I start the application via 'xterm -T matlab -e matlab',
all is well with the window styles and icons used. Or, if fvwm is
Restarted, all the styles and icons used are updated to those
corresponding to the new window name.

Since I don't want to open a new xterm when I start an application, is
there any way to force the properties of a given window to be refreshed so
the icon and styles for the new title will be used.

This is a great window manager!! Keep up the good work.


      * email: Mike_Blatchley_at_maxtor.com -or- mikeb_at_maxtor.com *

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Received on Thu Dec 21 1995 - 01:47:04 GMT

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