Re: FVWM: striated title bar

From: Todd Fries <>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 1995 12:25:22 -0600 (CST)

> This may sound stupid, but when everyone wants to have a different border
> style, can we make the border of Fvwm a separate module? In that case,
> people can write something like FvwmBorder, FvwmWin95Border, and
> FvwmMacBorder.
> The Style command would be: FvwmWin95Border*style "xterm" "...." or maybe
> Style "xterm" FvwmWin95Border, Color....
> Style "Emacs" FvwmMacBorder, Color...

Call me crazy, but I had more of a 'generic' idea of how one could configure

When you get right down to it, there are some basic things that make 'boarders'
look like olvwm, fvwm, mwm, os/2, win95, mac, nextstep, etc.

So, if we could have the following controls over the boarderstyles:

boarderwidth... this would have to be independently controllable up down right & left
cornerdecoration.. either a symmetrically mirrored bitmap, 'dot configuration' such
                   as the current 'buttons' are, or independently configurable top
                   and bottom
buttonstyle ... this would have to be configurable as either the current 'dot'
                notation, as a bitmap, and also as an indented (i.e. macos) button,
                or an 'extending' (i.e. nextstep button).
titlebarstyle .. this would have to be the current 'bulgy' look, or the
                 'flat encompassing the buttons' nextstep/win95 look,
                 or optionally allow a 'pixmap' to be displayed over a certain
                 length, so as to 'force' certain appearances..i.e. the 'mac'
                 style titlebar
colors for the boarder, boarderhilight, boardershadow...maybe colors for the
                button hilights would allow for the above mentioned 'indented'
                vs 'extending' buttons
'capture' something in a button... this is a strange contortion of what FvwmButtons
               does, i.e. run and capture, say, 'FvwmIconDisplay' for every
               app that runs, and then it can display a miniturized app icon in
               one of the buttons on the title bar...
cursorlook this would need to be able to change the cursor when it is over
               the boarder vs the corners (i.e. olvwm's circle at the corner)
menuloook yes, the menus should have their own little styles to them..
               'ctrl3d' for win95'ish, 'plain black on white' for macos look,
               'pop-off actions align to the top of the menu' for nextstep look,
               'plain and boring' for win311 type look, '3d' for OS/2 look,
               etc...this should be on a 'per windowstyle basis'. I KNOW this
               seems to be alot of bloat. I guess definately for a module, eh?

Now I don't pretend to know how to implement all of this, or whether it goes in
the window manager, or if it goes in a module. If it did go in a module, that
module would either have to be started per window opened (ugh...NO! bad idea!)
or be able to manage all of the different windows, and if the module were not
present, fvwm would then revert back to it's primitive window decorations.

But, what I am asking, is...would the above 'boarderstyle' attributes be
all that is needed in order to provide Fvwm the flexibility to make each window
independently look like 'any os' the user desires?

BTW, for those of you not following the 'wine' development project for Linux, they
just added a '-managed' command line option to wine, which allows the program
to act like an X app and instead of the 'windows' decorations around it, it makes
the X window manager 'manage' the would be hilarious (in my warped sense
of humr) if one could do a win95/win311 'boarderstyle' to Fvwm...this would really
screw with people.

One thing that would help, instead of having pages and pages of:

Style "thisapp" boarderwidth 4,boardershadowwidth 2,boarderhiligytwith 0,.....
Style "thatapp" boarderwidth 4,boardershadowwidth 2,boarderhiligytwith 0,.....
Style "theotherapp" boarderwidth 4,boardershadowwidth 2,boarderhiligytwith 0,.....

all being eactly the same, would be to have 'recursion' in style commands...
something like:

Style "Win95_Look" blah...blah...define a few styles for win95look
Style "Win95_Look" define more styles for win95look
Style "Win95_Look" define even more styles for win95look
Style "Win95_Look" define the rest of the styles for win95look
Style "wordpad" UseStyle Win95_Look
Style "Solitare" UseStyle Win311_Look
Style "rxvt" UseStyle Mwm
Style "xterm" UseStyle Olvwm
Style "Fvwm*" UseStyle Fvwm # Just outt'a curiosity, what WOULD the fvwm style
                                # be if we can do all of the above? <grin>

You get the picture.. I assume (hope, maybe I'll hack it tonight) that this would
not be a hard thing to do. But boy, would it be a useful thing.

Please, comment on my above suggestion as to 'boarderstyle' decorations...
Did I miss anything?
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