FVWM: FVWM timing bug in click-motion detection?

From: Romano Giannetti <romano_at_pluto.iet.unipi.it>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 95 20:54:34 MET

Hi all,

  I think I found a bug in fvwm. I have the action connect with mouse
button 1 on the title bar in the following way:

AddToFunc "Move-or-Raise" "I" Raise
+ "M" Move
+ "D" RaiseLower

Mouse 1 TS A Function "Move-or-Raise"

and I noted a strange behaviour. The thing seem to work well most of
the time: if I simply click, window is raised; if I click and move,
window follow mouse, and If I double click a RaiseLower is performed.
If I click without releasing the mouse, cursor change sto a dot, and
after a while it changes again in the four-arrows one, and Move is
performed until the mouse release. But... if I release the mouse an
instant after or before (I cannot understand well) the change from
dot to arrows of the cursor, then the window will follow the mouse as I
had done a "Move" from an external menu, I mean it follows my mouse
with all the buttons released. Hope you understand this... my English
is very poor since I learned Spanish.
(well, it is not so simple obtain the right timing, but it happens
to me often without searching it, and today I finally understood how
to reproduce it)

Fvwm is 2.0.39, compiled on a Linux 2.1.13/a.out box, X11R6.

Hope this helps, and... really a cool WM!

Dr. Romano Giannetti Dip. di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Researcher Elettronica Informatica Telecomunicazioni
romano_at_iet.unipi.it University of Pisa
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