FVWM: Preprocessing .fvwmrc with FvwmCpp

From: Ian Thurlbeck <ian_at_stams.strath.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 15:33:55 GMT


I want to write a .fvwmrc which provides a slightly
different setup on our Decs/Suns/SunMono's. I thought I'd
get FvwmCpp to run over it and I check for the various
defines it produces (COLOR, SERVERHOST, etc).

It seems I have to start fvwm with an invocation something like:

% fvwm -f "FvwmCpp /home/ian/.fvwmrc"

to process the file, and I also have to modify the fvwm code to
accept a ';' as a comment instead of the '#', since cpp barfs
on all the fvwm '#' comments.

This seems a bit laborious - how does everyone else do it ??


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Received on Mon Dec 04 1995 - 09:46:06 GMT

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