FVWM: Why did VM kill my fvwm2?

From: Scott D. Anderson <sanderso_at_wellesley.edu>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 13:45:06 -0400 (EDT)

Thanks to the hard work of the wizards here, I've used fvwm1 and 2 for
years, recently switching to fvwm2 on RedHat Linux 6.2. It's run fine for
months, but this morning, I came in to find myself logged out. Very odd.
I looked at the output of "dmesg" and I saw:

VM: killing process fvwm2

Who is VM? (Virtual Memory?) Why did it kill my fvwm2? How can I prevent
a repeat of this?



Scott D. Anderson
Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts
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