FVWM: Fvwm2 startup problems

From: Shane Holder <holder_at_convex.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 10:51:21 -0500

I'm using fvwm2 on a HP/712 running 9.05, and every once in a while my
configuration will come up, and things won't be quite right. I won't
have buttons on some windows. I may have to physically place windows
eventhough they should be auto placed. I sometimes even loose mouse
focus all together, and am forced to cut and paste letters into my
xterm, which I use as my magic cookie, so that I can log out.

It's as though fvwm was multi-threaded and one thread is reading the
configuration file, and another thread is starting up the system, and
there's no synchronization between the two, ie. the reading thread
doesn't finish before the configuration thread starts.

I am using the FvwmM4 stuff to pre-process my .fvwm2rc file, is it
possible that fvwm isn't waiting for this processing to finish before
continuing on?

Am I the only one to see this behavior?


Shane Holder         | e-mail: holder_at_convex.com
Convex Computer Corp | phone: (214)497-4182
3000 Waterview       | So, if I work my 40 hours with out sleeping,
Richardson, TX 75083 | can I have the rest of the week off?
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Received on Tue Oct 03 1995 - 10:44:05 BST

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