Re: FVWM: A couple of FVWM 2.0 questions.

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 1995 10:45:32 -0400

>>>>> "Ludvig" == Ludvig A Norin <> writes:

Ludvig> Hello Chuck and all others,
Ludvig> I am peeping at fvwm 2.0 as it develops. I wonder wether the
Ludvig> function "OpaqueResize" from fvwm 1.x has been renamed,
Ludvig> accidently removed or permanently removed?

Ludvig> I've checked the manpages, the FAQ, ChangeLog and the fvwmrc
Ludvig> conversion script, and found nothing.

I believe that it was intentionally permanently removed, since it eats
a fair amount of system resources to do that, unless you have a really
fast server & video card. I'll add it to the FAQ.

Ludvig> Almost the same goes for the fvwm 1.x statement
Ludvig> "include". I've found that one can use the Statement "Read"
Ludvig> with the same functionality, but I think this is a think worth
Ludvig> mentioning in the FAQ.

The 'include' command in 1.xx was actually due to the m4 processing
which could be optionally compiled in (on by default, I believe).
This should probably be added to the FAQ as well. If you use the
FvwmM4 module to read in your .fvwm2rc file, this functionalitly would
return, I believe.

Ludvig> One last thing i am wondering about is the special effect that
Ludvig> the title bars get when you style them as "sticky" in fvwm 2.0
Ludvig> - a "MACiotic" effect with horizontal lines (try making a
Ludvig> window sticky, if you haven't seen it folks, it's really
Ludvig> nice). Is there any way of getting this effect on non-sticky
Ludvig> windows, too? This migh be a FAQ thing too.

Not possible to do on non-sticky windows, at least not yet. Added it
to the FAQ.

Along these lines, I have to admit that I was rather partial to the
sticky window having a different std color in 1.xx, but Rob changed
the way it was done due to it being difficult to do in the code
cleanly. I'd like to find a way to revive that, and if I happen to
find a clean way to make it all more generic, perhaps we can get the
title bar lines to be a more generic attribute as well. No guarantees

Ludvig> Well, Chuck, keep on the good work, and Nation, thanks for
Ludvig> what's done!

I'll try...


Charles K. Hines
IBM Logic Synthesis developer [BooleDozer (TM)]
and Martial Arts Instructor [Modern Arnis, Presas Style Filipino Martial Arts]

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