FVWM: pasteboard

From: Michael Lachmann-Tarkhanov <dirk_at_charles.Stanford.EDU>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 15:50:48 -0700 (PDT)

I don't know if this already in fvwm or not, I haven't found it...
Would it be possible to have some macro in fvwm that would mean 'the contents
of the pasteboard', so that one could mark a filename, hit a key, and have an
editor pop up, editing that file?
I am currently using the following:
Key F9 A M Exec "Netscape go" exec netscape -remote
"openURL "`xselection PRIMARY` &

where xselection is a program which echos the current pasteboard. Then I can
mark a URL, hit alt-F9, and netscape jumps to that URL. I think it would be
very usefull to have this in fvwm, maybe even have different commands executed
depending on whether something is selected or not.

        Michael Lachmann
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Received on Thu Sep 21 1995 - 17:46:47 BST

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