FVWM: Session Management under fvwm2

From: Felix Karpfen <felixk_at_webone.com.au>
Date: Thu, 05 May 2005 06:50:24 +1000

The fvwm2 man page includes the following information:

,----[ session_management.txt ]-

| Fvwm doesn't save any information regarding styles, decors,
| functions or menus. If you change any on these resources during
| a session (e.g. by issuing Style commands or by using various
| modules), these changes are lost after saving and restarting the
| session. *** To become permanent, such changes have to be added to
| the configuration file.***


It would help at least one novice to have an example of an entry in
the (personal) configuration file that shows how to make a routinely
used menu into a permanent entry whenever fvwm2 is started.

For the record, I use one menu per page and switch between pages to
access my various (routinely-used) menus.

If this information is already documented, I would be grateful to be
pointed to the reference.

Felix Karpfen
Felix Karpfen
Public Key 72FDF9DF (DH/DSA)
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Received on Sat May 07 2005 - 15:28:20 BST

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